Production: Summer and Smoke
Written by: Tennessee Williams
Directed by: Le Wilhelm
Production Company: Love Creek Productions
Cast: Steven Barrett, Chandler Bishop, Kristin Carter, Paul Casali, Mary Jane Gocher, Jeremiah Jurkiewicz, Annie MacKay, Dustin Minore, Katherine Mullis, Richard James Porter, Brian Scanlan, Lara Ruth Smith, Misti Tindiglia
Performance Dates: September 21-29, 2013
Location: The Producers’ Club Theatres
358 West 44th Street
New York, NY
Tickets: $18
“Richard, we were thrilled with the production! All the acting was excellent. I was riveted, as were Stan and our guests. You certainly did a fabulous job in this. Really, we are full of admiration, and so glad we got to see Summer and Smoke.
Every character was so nuanced. You all just imparted a depth and humanity to each and every part. When I see a production I’m still thinking about the next day, it has been special, and this certainly was.”
Jane Hart,
Author and Artist